May 13, 2021
How NAU Enforces Scheduling Policies with Coursedog
Coursedog's CEO, Justin Wenig, sat down with NAU's Associate Registrar, Bonita Switala, and Class and Resource Facilitator, Grant Burden, to discuss the efficiencies resulting from implementing Coursedog's scheduling solution. Members of Coursedog’s Customer Success Team, Annie de Lezica and Jesse Lyman also shared additional insights on the implementation process. Watch to learn how NAU has built robust, custom scheduling rules to enforce their institutional policies and reduce errors.
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May 13, 2021
How NAU Enforces Scheduling Policies with Coursedog
Download your free resourceCoursedog's CEO, Justin Wenig, sat down with NAU's Associate Registrar, Bonita Switala, and Class and Resource Facilitator, Grant Burden, to discuss the efficiencies resulting from implementing Coursedog's scheduling solution. Members of Coursedog’s Customer Success Team, Annie de Lezica and Jesse Lyman also shared additional insights on the implementation process. Watch to learn how NAU has built robust, custom scheduling rules to enforce their institutional policies and reduce errors.