Coursedog Curriculum Cloud

The Engine for Curriculum Transformation

Sync data in real-time across Curriculum, Catalog, Syllabi and your SIS.

Serving 300+ Campuses with 2.5M+ Students

Curriculum Management

Accelerate Curricular Innovation

  • Streamline Collaboration with Real Time Proposal Visibility
  • Unify Curricular Data for Better Decisions
  • Sync Curricular Changes with a Single Click
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Catalog & Handbook

Connect Students to Courses

Offer students a catalog that's easy to publish and even easier to navigate.

  • Design a Catalog that Simplifies the Student Experience
  • Reach Students from Enrollment through Graduation
  • Automate Catalog Creation
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Syllabus Management

Simplify Syllabus Creation

Empower faculty to create branded syllabi from form-driven templates.

  • Standardize Syllabus Templates Institution-Wide
  • Save Faculty Time from Syllabus Design
  • Create an Accreditation-Ready Syllabus Repository
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Curriculum Analytics

Design Curriculum for Completions

Clear the path to degree completion with curricular insights on student progression.

  • Eliminate Toxic Course Combinations
  • Reduce Program Attrition
  • Map Learning Outcomes to Strategic Goals
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“Coursedog’s software will help us go from 7 to 3 hours per change. Based on an average number of changes in a year, we foresee saving 580+ hours every year.”
James Ayrton, Associate Dean of Curriculum, Assessment, & Articulation
Lehigh Carbon Community College
“The faculty experience using Coursedog’s Curriculum Management has meant that they spend far less time managing paperwork so they can really evaluate curricular proposals. Now, we turn a concept into an actionable program in 6-9 months, which is almost unheard of in higher ed.”
Dr. Jennifer Walsh, SVP Strategic Initiatives & Chief Strategy Officer
Hawaii Pacific University
“That is the number one thing for me is that it's more than just a catalog. It's got the other parts of the platform that integrate with it. It talks to your SIS in a way that gave us much needed consistency and governance.”
Andi Repp, Senior Director and Registrar
Parker University

Best-in-Class Integrations

Coursedog’s modern scheduling tools sit on your SIS and sync changes in real-time.

Explore Integrations
Better Together

The Academic Operations Platform

Break down barriers to student success by unifying scheduling, curriculum, catalog, assessment, and more with Coursedog.

See Coursedog in Action