
Coursedog and Ellucian DegreeWorks


Maximize the impact of your degree audit data.


Student Information System


  • Coursedog has a multi-faceted integration with Degree Works across multiple products
  • Course Demand Projections leverages Degree Works audit data (GET only) for demand projections
  • Curriculum Management uses a 'Scribe Generator' to easily export requirements into the Degree Works application.


Audit Data Integration

Analyze and aggregate Degree Works audit data in Coursedog to predict future course demand.

No Code Maintenance

Minimize IT disruptions with an intuitive integration dashboard that empowers admins to manage SIS configurations.

Dedicated In-House DegreeWorks Support

Access in-house data engineers with deep expertise in DegreeWorks integrations. Technical discovery sessions ensure configurations are based on best practices.

Explore Additional Integrations

See Coursedog in Action