Student Success

Align Operational Decisions with Student Needs

Turn your academic operations into a lever for driving student success.

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Serving 300+ Campuses with 2.5M+ Students

Why Coursedog?

Student Success

Turn your operations into a lever for driving student success.

Unified Data

Sync data in real-time across operational processes and with your SIS & LMS.

Operational Efficiency

Streamlined operational processes and real-time insights drive effective resource allocation.

Digital Modernization

Equip your institution with a modern operating system to meet evolving market demands.

Unblock Curricular Paths

Create a curricular experience that bolsters student outcomes.

  • Proactively address curricular bottlenecks to keep students on-track
  • Design a catalog that helps student navigate degree pathways
  • Track and monitor program health across the institution

Schedule for Every Student

Proactively balance schedules for all student pathways.

  • Identity course conflicts that delay degree completion
  • Minimize overfilled sections to create a better registration experience
  • Ensure degree requirements are being scheduled each semester
“What really makes me most excited about Coursedog is the tools they can provide to our entire system and our state to allow us to close those equity gaps for our students.”
Dr. Alicia Carley, Dean of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Minnesota State Community & Technical College

Drive Curricular Innovation

Elevate your curricular decisions with connected assessment insights.

  • Track learning outcomes across courses and programs
  • Make course and program changes based on assessment findings
  • Build custom reports to evaluate learning outcomes

Centralize & Simplify Your Academic Operations

Break down barriers to student success by unifying scheduling, curriculum, catalogs, assessments, and more with Coursedog.

Insights & Resources

See Coursedog in Action

Student Success

Align Operational Decisions with Student Needs

Turn your academic operations into a lever for driving student success.

Book a Demo
Serving 300+ Campuses with 2.5M+ Students

Unblock Curricular Paths

Create a curricular experience that bolsters student outcomes.

  • Proactively address curricular bottlenecks to keep students on-track
  • Design a catalog that helps student navigate degree pathways
  • Track and monitor program health across the institution

Schedule for Every Student

Proactively balance schedules for all student pathways.

  • Identity course conflicts that delay degree completion
  • Minimize overfilled sections to create a better registration experience
  • Ensure degree requirements are being scheduled each semester
“What really makes me most excited about Coursedog is the tools they can provide to our entire system and our state to allow us to close those equity gaps for our students.”
Dr. Alicia Carley, Dean of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Minnesota State Community & Technical College

Drive Curricular Innovation

Elevate your curricular decisions with connected assessment insights.

  • Track learning outcomes across courses and programs
  • Make course and program changes based on assessment findings
  • Build custom reports to evaluate learning outcomes

Centralize & Simplify Your Academic Operations

Break down barriers to student success by unifying scheduling, curriculum, catalogs, assessments, and more with Coursedog.

Best-in-Class Integrations

Coursedog’s modern scheduling tools sit on your SIS and sync changes in real-time.

Explore Integrations

Academic Operations Made Easier for All


Transform operational processes into levers that drive student outcomes.


Invest in student-facing initiatives instead of repetitive manual work.

Chief Information Officers

Break down data silos with an intelligent academic operations platform, powered by industry-leading SIS and LMS integrations.


Build an assessment process that drives continuous improvement.

See Coursedog in Action