Curriculum Analytics for Higher Education

Design Curriculum for Completions

Clear the path to degree completion with curricular insights on student progression.

"Excellent" Service Satisfaction Rating from Coursedog Partners*
Quality of Support
Quality of Training
User Experience
Summary of post-implementation satisfaction survey results

Eliminate Toxic Course Combinations

Identify and act on curricular bottlenecks. Proactively address high-fail course combinations to keep students on-track for completion.

Reduce Program Attrition

Zero-in on why students stop-out. Access real-time analyses on program and course effectiveness.

Lay the Foundation for Institutional Success

Ensure data-driven program planning. Leverage insights to improve curriculum completion rates and protect institutional health.

Best-in-Class Integrations

Coursedog’s modern scheduling tools sit on your SIS and sync changes in real-time.

Explore Integrations
Serving 300+ Campuses with 2.5M+ Students

See Coursedog in Action